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After almost 20 years using Debian, I am trying something different, Fedora Silverblue. However for work I still need to use Debian/Ubuntu from time to time. In this post I am explaining the steps to setup Debian containers on Silverblue.

By default Silverblue comes with Toolbox which perfectly integrates the OS. It’s a shell script which actually relies on Podman, an alternative to Docker. And it works really well with Fedora images! However I ran into various issues when I wanted to setup Debian containers pulled from

$ toolbox create -c sid --image
Image required to create toolbox container.
Download (500MB)? [y/N]: y
Created container: sid
Enter with: toolbox enter --container sid
$ toolbox enter -c sid
toolbox: failed to start container sid

This should work, but doesn’t, because Toolbox expects specific Image requirements. After some digging into alternate Toolbox implementations and quite a bit of experimentation, I found a Toolbox pull-request adding support for Debian containers. Unfortunately this pull-request wasn’t merged yet, perhaps because the Toolbox developers are busy in the rewrite of Toolbox in Go. Scrolling down the comments, Martin Pitt provides some details and links to the approach he’s taken to achieve the same goal. Trying to follow his instructions, I finally managed to have working Debian containers in Silverblue. Many thanks to him! Here’s the run-down

  1. Download the build-debian-toolbox script:
$ wget;a=blob_plain;f=build-debian-toolbox;hb=HEAD
$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ mv build-debian-toolbox ~/bin
$ chmod +x ~/bin/build-debian-toolbox
  1. Modify it a little. Here I had to:
    • change the shell shebang to /bin/bash
    • Update toolbox call sites to ~/bin/toolbox
  2. Make sure ~/bin/ is first in your shell $PATH
  3. Download the patched toolbox script from this pull-request and:
    • Move it to ~/bin/
    • Again, switch to the /bin/bash/ shebang in that script

Then run build-debian-toolbox. By default it will create a Debian Sid container, unless you provide override as command-line arguments, so for instance to create an Ubuntu bionic container you can:

$ build-debian-toolbox bionic ubuntu
$ toolbox run -c bionic cat /etc/os-release
VERSION="18.04.4 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS"

That’s it! Hopefully the Toolbox Go rewrite will support this out of the box without requiring third-party tweaks. Thanks again to Martin for his work on this topic.