From LSM import 2005

Blogging from LSM 2005 edition. This is a quite funny geek meeting. I was able to put faces on names i used to read/mail on the net. I was at several conferences about security (tunnels, wifi traffic injection), some about embedded systems (dillo), and few ones about Python (XML …

more ... for code snippets

I recently discovered Snippets. This is really fun, think of but for code snippets! And yet it’s powered by Ruby on Rails which is à la mode ;)

Though it’s not yet as complete as it’s a must-have! Check out my (currently …

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Still there

Long time no post ;) Well since then, what ? I moved to a new appartment, it’s still a bit empty, need to find stuff … Anyway i also watched the movie where one Jedi turns Sith, won’t make yet another review (i liked it, though many dialogues are so ridiculous …

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Google Ads in RSS

Well that’s neat. I was just thinking about Google Ads display in RSS feeds when i started reading my hackaday daily aggregated articles. And they made it ! :-(

Now i need to find a way to strip them off.

— Where will they stop ?

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SubveRSSed 1.0

I previously introduced a Subversion post-commit hook to generate RSS feeds based on commits. But the generated feeds were not that smart. SubveRSSed 1.0 now handle RSS 1.0 feeds ! The next step will probably be Atom.

update (05/08/10) : SubveRSSed 1.1 has a great speed improvement …

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Cheetah templates overriding

Cheetah is a very good templating language, especially because it’s the one (correct me if i’m wrong) to apply the Object-Oriented model to Documents. It can seem a bit weird at the beginning but when you get used to it, you can’t live without it :-)

So, i …

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Yesterday i watched Tracks, a really good frecnh/dutch tv show about underground (music, techies, whatever) .. Yes, there still are some good shows on TV. TrashTV sucks !!

Anyway the show was about remixes. Some bands do all their business with that (they are probably paying lot of royalties for that …

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Bad day

The Sofware Patent Agreement has been adopted today by the European council … This is a bad day, i’ll raise my hand and say NO to the European constitution the 29th May.

— Damned politics

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